Minutes of Club Meeting # 976 - October 16, 2015


Minutes of Club Meeting # 976
October 16, 2015

Conquer the Stage


Venue/Time:  Ashirwad - Loyola Hall, St Marks Road  - Every Friday from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Theme of the Day:  Be large of heart and succeed, be small of heart and fail.

Word of the Day:   Drudgery (noun).

Meaning - Hard menial or dull work.

UsageFor many people in third world countries, life has nothing to offer but years of drudgery.

Total Attendees –  30
Members –  22  Guests -8

1. TM Cherian Thomas           President 
2.  TM Joseph Dass                VP Education 
3.  TM Mahaveer Jain             VP Public Relations
4.  TM Nisha Balakrishnan      Secretary
5.  TM Varun Dev                    VP Finance 
6.  TM Karunakar Dev            Sergeant@Arms

1.  TM Sahil Jain                     VP Membership

MEETING OPENED:  The very friendly and amicable Sergeant@Arms, TM Karunakar Dev, started the meeting at precisely 6:30 pm with great enthusiasm and excitement.

PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS:   The epitome of public speaking, the club president, TM Cherian Thomas, called the meeting to order and gave a truly mesmerizing presidential address on the theme of the day "be large of heart and succeed, be small of heart and fail" by touching upon the story of "Marks and Spencer," the retail giant which the audience listened in rapt attention.

1.  TM Vijay Kalkundri             Toastmaster of Day
2.  TM Sapna Chandiramani     General Evaluator
3.  TM Aman Mahajan              Table Topics Master

INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY TOASTMASTER OF THE DAY:  As Toastmaster of the Day, TM Vijay Kalkundri, captivated his audience with his powerful and energetic performance.

INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY GENERAL EVALUATOR:   As GE for the day, the delightful and charming, TM Sapna Chandiramani, introduced her TAG team and in the end gave a very exhaustive evaluation of the entire meeting.

1.  TM Mahaveer Jain             Timer
2.  TM Mahesh Vittal Rao      Ah Counter
3.  TM Rahul Bhuyan              Grammarian

AGENDA 1:  TABLE TOPICS:  As Table Topics Master, the gentle and soft-spoken, TM Aman Mahajan, gave some really thought-provoking topics on fantasy, dilemmas of life, and philosophy which in the true spirit of Table Topics got all the speakers thinking on their feet instantly.

Table Topic Speakers 

1.  TM Nisha Balakrishnan
Topic -  If the worlds of Harry Potter and Jurassic Park were real, where would you like to go and why?

2.  TM Sudipto Ghosh
Topic - One day you wake up and you are 17 again.

3.  TM Varun Dev
Topic - It was love at first sight.

4.  Guest Jai
Topic -  If you only had a year to live, what would you do with it?

5.  TM Richard D'Souza
Topic - One day you realize that only you are real in this world and everything else is a figment of your imagination. How will you react?

6.  TM Mahesh Vittal Rao (No video/video got corrupted - my sincere apologies)
Topic -  If we all end up dying, what is the purpose of living?

7.  TM Nandan Damle
Topic - Does the end justify the means?

8.  TM Ratan Shetty
Topic - Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board.

9.  TM Rahul Bhuyan
 Topic - Would you rather get uglier or dumber?

10.  Guest Naren
Topic -  Would you marry for love or money?

11.  TM Payal Bhulani
Topic - Would you rather say everything that comes to your mind or never say anything again?

12.  TM Jose James
Topic - What would you trust more - reason or feelings?

13.  Guest Esther 
Topic - How would you spend a million dollars in a day?

14.  TM Abubakar
Topic - If you had to choose one superpower, what would that be?

BREAK - At 7:30 pm, there was a 10-minute break where the guests and members enjoyed their tea/coffee with a delicious piece of cake with some sprinkle of networking.



1.  TM Deljo Davis attempted his Project #3 from Competent Communicator Manual.


2.  TM Smitha Roshy also attempted her Project #3 from Competent Communicator Manual.


1.  TM Deljo Davis' speech was evaluated by TM Richard D'Souza.

2.  TM Smitha Roshy's speech was evaluated by TM Payal Bhulani.


1.  Best Speaker - TM Smitha Roshy

2.  Best Table Topic Speaker - Guest Esther

3.  Well-Done Certificate - TM Vijay Kalkundri

AGENDA 5:  SPEECHCRAFT AWARDS  - Few of the Speechcraft participants, who were present during the meeting were awarded their participation certificates by the club president, TM Cherian Thomas, and the Speechcraft Coordinator, TM Karunakar Dev.

Speechcraft Coordinator - TM Karunakar Dev

Speechcraft Participants
1.  TM Ankit

 2.  TM Jose James

3.  TM Rahul Bhuyan

4.  TM Srinivas Kumar

5.  Sreejith

6.  Shilpa Samuel

7.  A few others participants of Speechcraft - 1.  BTMC wishes all of you the very best for all your future endeavors.


1.  TM Sanjay Hassa came third in Division D Evaluation Contest held on October 17, 2015, at NetApp, Domlur, between 2 pm and 7 pm.


2.  Appeal to all the members who have not yet renewed their membership to Bangalore Toastmasters Club to kindly renew their membership by paying their dues.
Contact Person - VP Finance - TM Varun Dev or VP Membership - TM Sahil Jain.

ADJOURNMENT:  At 8:45 by the club president (TM Cherian Thomas).

QUOTE FOR THE WEEK:  "You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win" - Zig Ziglar. 

SCRIBE: Nisha Balakrishnan - Club Secretary
