Meeting #1187

Meeting #1187
Only while sleeping one makes no mistakes-making mistakes is the privilege of the active.

8th November 2019.
6:20 pm- 8:45pm.
Word of the Day:
Conundrum(n)- a confusing and a difficult problem or question.

Role Taker:
Sergeant at arms:
Rahil A Sawar
Vivek Vijayan
Toastmaster of the Day:
Aiyappa Ponnachanda
Table Topics Master:
Shajee K
General Evaluator:
Dhanjay Parkhe
Sujay Kumar
Ah Counter:
Fatha Khan
Sanjay Rao YR

Prepared Speeches:
Project Title:
Project Level:   
Shreyas Johan S
Visionary Communication/L1/Icebreaker
Sudeep Kaur Bansi
Loesh Talele
Beyond Distinguished Toastmaster-What next?
Visionary Communication/L1/Evaluation & Feedback/#2
Soham Bhadra
Mahesh Shankar
You will not get this life again
Dynamic Leadership/L1/Evaluation & Feedback/#1
Rita Das
Shreeya Jain
Ways to Spice up your everyday routine
Dynamic Leadership/L1/Evaluation & Feedback/#1
Zarine S George
Sowmya Raman
Project WHY
CC6-Vocal Variety
Sudipto Ghosh

Table Topics: 17 Speakers
Which Movie do you like? One-night Stand or Baby's Day Out?
Priyanka bothra
Conductor Wisdom 1: If you keep your bag packs down you can travel comfortably.
Conductor Wisdom 2: If you don't want to miss the bus, reach the stop early.
Richard D'Souza
If you don't take care of your belongings, someone else will.
Priyanka Rannorey
Old is gold, but all that glitters is not gold.
Mythresh A
It takes years to make an overnight success.
Nagendra Hegde
There is no free lunch. What about breakfast ?
Shiv Sharana GB
If you make the mistake of looking back too much, you aren't focused enough on the road in front of you.
Kamlesh Kumar
What attracts you? the way she looks or the way she cooks?
Shilpa Samuel
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Prakash Tamhankar
The early bird gets the worm but what sins did the worms do?
Shreyas Srinivas
If you cant laugh at your problems, call me i will laugh at them.
Sumedha Dasary
Anyone can be confident, with full head of hair but, a confident bald man... He is someone great!
Rajdeep Manwani
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. They why complain ogling?
Alan Aranha
Bus conductor Wisdom 3: You should get up from your seat before your stop comes.
Sreejith K
Never make the same mistakes twice unless she is so hot.
Puneeth Jain
You cannot have the different results for the same mistakes.

Attendance: 39
Abhay Kothari
Aiyappa Ponnachanda
Alan Aranha
Alok Simha
Deepika Das
Fatha Ahmed Khan
Lokesh Talele
Mahesh J Shankar
Mythresh A
Nagendra Hegde
Prakash A Tamhankar
Priyanka Bothra
Priyanka Rannorey
Puneeth Jain
Rahil A Sawar
Rajdeep Manwani
Richard D'Souza
Rita Das
Sanjay Rao YR
Shajee K
Shilpa Samuel
Shiva Sharana GB
Shreeya Jain
Shreyas Srinivas
Shreyas Johan S
Simrun Chopra
Soham Bhadra
Sowmya Raman
Sreejith K
Srinubabu Gonapa
Sudeep Kaur Bansi
Sudipto Ghosh
Sujay Kumar
Sumedha Dasary
Vijay V Kalkundri
Vivek Vijayan
Zarine S George
Guruprasad S
Kamlesh Kumar

Brief Note on NTLB Index:
No Toastmaster Left Behind (NTLB) Index indicates the percentage of members who spoke out of the members who attended the meeting.

NTLB(No Toastmaster Left Behind )Index:
Total Members Attended:
Total Table Topic Speakers:
Total Role Takers:
How To Calculate:
Index = 100*(Total Table Topic Speakers + Total Role Takers) / (Total Members Attended).
NTLB Index = 100*(17+18) / (37) =90%

Sudeep Kaur Bansi
Role Taker: 
Aiyappa Ponnachanda
Table Topics Speaker:  
Rajdeep Manwani
Sowmya Raman

Moments of the Meeting:

Best Evaluator :TM Sudeep Kaur Bansi

Best Role Taker : TM Aiyappa Ponnachanda

Best Table Topics Speaker-DTM Rajdeep Manwani

Best Speaker: TM Sowmya Raman

The average rating of the meeting voted by the 34 out of the 37 present is: 4.32.
Contest Premiere League will be conducted on the 17th of November 2019.
BTMC Outdoor Adventure happening on the 31st November and 1st  December.
NTLB Index stands @ 90%
YouTube Link for the videos: Click Here.

Shreyas S
Club Secretary.
