ಸಭೆ ೧೧೮೬ (Meeting #1186)

ಸಭೆ ೧೧೮೬ (Meeting #1186)
Language etches the grooves through which your thoughts can flow.

1st September 2019.
6:30 pm-8:15 pm.
Word of the Day:
Enunciate- say or pronounce clearly.

Role :
Role Taker:
Sergeant at arms:
Priyanka Rannorey
Vivek Vijayan
Toastmaster of the Day:
Alok Simha
Table Topics Master:
Sreejith K
General Evaluator:
Rajesh H Nookhul
Lokesh Talele
Ah Counter:
Shreyas Srinvas
Sanjay Rao

ಭಾಷಣಗಳು(Prepared Speeches):
Speaker :
Project Title:
Project Level:   
Naveen Indala
Innovative Planning/L3/P6
Melvyn V Smith
Mani Kandan KM
Like to Dislike
Innovative Planning/L1/P2/#2
Dolly JP
Varsha BM
Love of my Life
Dynamic Leadership/L1/P3
Sujatha Sanam
Abhay Kothari
Me and You
CC7-Research Your Topic
Deepika Das

ವಿಷಯಗಳು(Table Topics):11 Speakers
Puneeth Jain
You are the Karnataka state tourist ambassador.
Richard D’Souza
You are selected as the one day CM of Karnataka.
Mahesh Shankar
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Shreyas Johan
The more I thought, the more I got paralyzed.
Lalith Dhanush
Today is the tomorrow you thought of yesterday.
Sumith Kumar
No sound can exist without silence.
Soham Bhadra
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Rita Das
Difficulty comes not to obstruct but to instruct.
Surekha N Rao
 Good is the enemy of the great.
I am not always as awesome as today.
Ankit Kumar
I think laziness is a gift of god.
Sumitra Manamohan
Age is not just a number.

ಹಾಜರಾತಿ(Attendance): 34
Abhay Kothari
Alok Simha
Ankit Kumar
Deepika Das
Dolly JP
Ganesh Pai
Guruprasad S
Hannah Victoria
Lalith Dhanush T
Lokesh Talele
Mahesh Shankar
Mani Kandan KM
Melvyn V Smith
Naveen Indala
Nikhil S Singhal
Priyanka Rannorey
Puneeth Jain
Rajesh H Nookhul
Richard D’souza
Rita Das
Robinson D’souza
Shreyas Srinvas
Shreyas Johan S
Soham Bhadra
Sowmya Raman
Sreejith K
Sujatha sanam
Sujay Kumar
Sumedha Dasary
Sumitra Manamohan
Surekha N Rao
Varsha BM
Vijay V Kalkundri

Vivek Vijayan

Brief Note on NTLB Index:
No Toastmaster Left Behind (NTLB) Index indicates the percentage of members who spoke out of the members who attended the meeting.

NTLB(No Toastmaster Left Behind )Index:
Total Members Attended:
Total Table Topic Speakers:
Total Role Takers:
How To Calculate:
Index = 100*(Total Table Topic Speakers + Total Role Takers) / (Total Members Attended).
NTLB Index = 100*(11+16) / (34) = 79%

Deepika Das
Role Taker: 
Alok Simha
Table Topics Speaker:  
Surekha N Rao
Varsha BM

Moments of the Meeting:
Best Evaluator- TM Deepika Das.

Best Roletaker: TM Alok Simha.

Table Topics Speaker: TM Surekha N Rao.

Best Speaker: TM Varsha BM.

President's Distinguished Club Award received by IPP Melvyn V Smith. 

 TM Elhil Giving away ribbons to the Best Evaluator and the Best Table topics Speaker-TM Deepika Das & TM Surekha N Rao.

The average rating of the meeting voted by the 22 out of the 34 present is : 4.4
The Meeting was a Bilingual meeting on the account of Karnataka Rajyotsava with English and Kannada used throughout the session.
Toastmasters International has featured DTM Rajdeep Manwani and TM Vijay Anand in their November edition of their Monthly Magazine.
NTLB Index stands at 79%.
YouTube Videos : Click Here.

ಇಂತಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ,
ಕ್ಲಬ್ ಕಾರ್ಯದರ್ಶಿ
ಶ್ರೇಯಸ್ ಎಸ್.
