Minutes of Club Meeting #995 - February 26, 2016

Ashirvad - Loyola Hall, St. Marks Road
6:30 - 8:30 pm

Theme: The squeaky wheel gets the grease
Word of the day: Ignite
Meaning: Arouse
Usage: An inspiring speech can ignite the audience


Esther Roshini Chandy       SERGEANT AT ARMS
Mahaveer Jain                    TREASURER
Raghunandan Damle          SECRETARY
Varun Dev                          VP PUBLIC RELATIONS
Joseph Dass                      VP MEMBERSHIP
Prakash Tamhankar            VP EDUCATION
Cherian Thomas                 PRESIDENT

Abubakar Khan
Ankit Kumar
Ashish Varghese
Aswathy Sreekumar
Bhavana Jha
Inder Kumar
Jay Agrawal
Johnson Bruno D’Souza
Lalith Dhanush Tallam
Mahesh Vittal Rao
Mohiddin Shaik
Payal Pankaj Bhulani
Prashanth Nair
Praveen Kumar
Rahul Bhuyan
Rajdeep Manwani
Ratan Shetty
Richard L D’Souza
Robinson D’Souza
Sanjana OJ
Sanjay Yugal Kishore Hassa
Sathvik Shetty
Shilpa Samuel
Sreejith Kizhakkilot
Srija Jampana
Sudipto Ghosh
Vaidyanathan Duraisamy
Vichur Umakanth
Vijay Vasudev Kalkundri
Vinay Venkataramana

18 Guests

TOASTMASTER OF THE DAY   Johnson Bruno D’Souza
TABLE TOPICS MASTER          Praveen Kumar
GENERAL EVALUATOR            Bhavana Jha
TIMER                                      Srija Jampana
AH COUNTER                           Melvin
GRAMMARIAN                          Ashish Varghese

Note: To view meeting videos click on this link:

Jay Agrawal: If you will be selected as head of your school what you will do?
Sreejith Kizhakkilot: Is this true – child is the father of man?
Shilpa Samuel: How was your day before board exam?
Rahul Bhuyan: Emotional abuse is worse than physical abuse
Ankit Kumar: If your girlfriend dumps you what will be your reaction?
Payal Bhulani: How to remove poverty from India?
Rajdeep Manwani: Caste or income based reservation – which is better?
Abubakar Khan: Should management quota for admission in school be scrapped or not?
Richard D’Souza: Indian expenditure on defence is justified
Umakanth Vichur: Which is better, private or government school?

Aswathy Sreekumar delivered project 4 – How to Say It – from the Competent Communicator manual, titled ‘Who is your Valentine?’

Vinay Venkataramana delivered project 2 – Organize your Speech – from the Competent Communicator manual, titled ‘Noise’.

--- BREAK---

Jaishankar (guest from Daffodils Toastmasters Club) delivered project 6 – Vocal Variety – from the Competent Communicator manual, titled ‘The Day I Gave Up’.

Ratan Shetty delivered ACB- P5: project 1 – The Folk Tale – from the Storytelling manual, titled ‘Varya’s Mother’.

Aswathy’s speech was evaluated by Robinson D’Souza.
Vinay’s speech was evaluated by Sudipto Ghosh.
Jaishankar’s speech was evaluated by Joseph Dass.
Ratan’s speech was evaluated by Sanjay Hassa.

The President announced the next speechcraft session will start on March 13th. A few seats are available and those interested to join should contact Joseph Dass.

Club level prepared speech and table topics contests will be held on March 18th.

The 1000th meeting of the club will be a gala event on the 1st of April, held in the Grand Magrath hotel, with Anand Pillai as the keynote speaker. Mr. Pillai will speak for one hour on Personal Branding. All members and guests, except for invitees need to purchase tickets. Tickets are subsidised at Rs. 550 for members, however those who can afford it were encouraged to purchase tickets for Rs. 1099 or Rs. 2499, the two price options available for non-members. A ticket of Rs. 2499 provides cluster seating at the front of the hall. All tickets include dinner. Valet parking is available. The capacity of the hall is 250 and members were encouraged to purchase tickets at the earliest as they are selling fast.

The secretary, Raghunandan Damle, read out the minutes of the previous meeting, which were passed.


Best Table Topics Speaker: Rajdeep Manwani

Best Speaker: Aswathy Sreekumar

The President concluded the meeting at 8:30 pm and announced the start of the business meeting at 8:35 pm.
Bangalore Toastmasters Club Website: http://btmc.toastmastersclubs.org
Bangalore Toastmasters Club Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BangaloreToastmastersClub/
Toastmasters International Website:  http://www.toastmasters.org/
