
Meeting #1193

Meeting #1193 Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. – Steve Jobs Date: 13 th December 2019. Time: 6:20 pm-8:40 pm. Word of the Day: Metamorphosis - The process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages. Role : Role Taker: Sergeant at arms : Varsha BM President Vivek Vijayan Toastmaster of the Day : Lalith Dhanush Tallam Table Topics Master: Alok Simha General Evaluator: Ganesh Pai Timer: Skanda M Ah Counter: Lokesh Talele Grammarian: Priyanka Bothra Prepared Speeches: Speaker : Project Title: Project Level: Evaluator: Sujay Kumar Dhoni an Altruistic Leader Pathways/DL/Evaluation and Feedback-1 Abhay Kothari Sanjay Rao YR ...

Meeting #1192

Meeting #1192(Election Day) Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. Date: 6 th  December 2019. Time: 6:20 pm-7:15 pm. Word of the Day: proclamation - a public or official announcement dealing with a matter of great importance. Role: Role Taker: Sergeant at arms: Varsha BM Presiding Officer Vivek Vijayan Toastmaster of the Day: Mahesh Shankar General Evaluator: Alan Aranha Timer: Sowmya Raman Ah Counter: Shilpa Samuel Grammarian: Ajith KC Prepared Speeches: Speaker: Project Title: Project Level: Evaluator: Hannah Victoria ‘Freedom’ the gift you give yourself PI/ Evaluation & Feedback/#2 Sudipto Ghosh Rajesh H Nookhul An Old Fisherman ACB-1/Interpretiv...