Meeting #1193

Meeting #1193
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. – Steve Jobs

13th December 2019.
6:20 pm-8:40 pm.
Word of the Day:
Metamorphosis - The process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages.

Role :
Role Taker:
Sergeant at arms :
Varsha BM
Vivek Vijayan
Toastmaster of the Day :
Lalith Dhanush Tallam
Table Topics Master:
Alok Simha
General Evaluator:
Ganesh Pai
Skanda M
Ah Counter:
Lokesh Talele
Priyanka Bothra

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker :
Project Title:
Project Level:
Sujay Kumar
Dhoni an Altruistic Leader
Pathways/DL/Evaluation and Feedback-1
Abhay Kothari
Sanjay Rao YR
Ice Breaker
Jose Paul
Ice Breaker
Rajdeep Manwani
Vijay Vasudev Kalkundri
Social Engineering
(8) Get Comfortable with Visual Aids
Sumitra Manamohan

Table Topics: 15
 Sreejith Kizhakkilot
Are you good? Or are you great?
Richard L. D'Souza
Is helping someone in need - a duty or a favor?
Aiyappa Appanna Ponnachanda
Everything you need to know
Jainam Khakhra
If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything
Shreyas Johan Selladurai
If I could rewrite history
Kamlesh Kumar
Living dangerously is the only way to Live
Thomas Emmanuel
How much of life should we spend relaxing?
Sujatha Sanam
To be cruel is to be kind…to be kind is to be cruel
Guruprasad S
If happiness was currency, what profession would make you rich?
Hamdaan Ahmed Sawar
What would you be doing, 10 years from now?
Shreyas Srinivas
Life Balance
Preethi Kurian
What is your most prized possession and why?
Mythresh A
If you could be instantly transported in time and place, where would you go and why?
Vinay Kumar
Tell us about items in your bucket list
Sudeep Kaur Bansi
We are the products of our past but we don’t have to be prisoners of it

Attendance: 38
Abhay Kothari
Alok Simha
Ankit Kumar
Guruprasad S
Aiyappa Appanna Ponnachanda
Ganesh Pai
Deepika Das Pereira
Jainam Khakhra
Jose Paul
Kamlesh Kumar
Lalith Dhanush Tallam
Lokesh Talele
Melvyn V. Smith
Mythresh A
Priyanka Bothra
Rahil Ahmed Sawar
Rajdeep Manwani
Priyanka Rannorey
Richard L. D'Souza
Rita Saldanha Das
Sanjay Rao Y R
Shreyas Srinivas
Shreyas Johan Selladurai
Skanda M
Soham Bhadra
Sreejith Kizhakkilot
Sudeep Kaur Bansi
Sujay Kumar
Sumitra Manamohan
Varsha BM
Vijay Vasudev Kalkundri
Vivek Vijayan
Preethi Kurian
Hamdaan Ahmed Sawar
Thomas Emmanuel
Vinay Kumar
Sujatha Sanam

Brief Note on NTLB Index:
No Toastmaster Left Behind (NTLB) Index indicates the percentage of members who spoke out of the members who attended the meeting.

NTLB ( No Toastmaster Left Behind )Index:
Total Members Attended:
Total Table Topic Speakers:
Total Role Takers:
How To Calculate:
Index = 100*(Total Table Topic Speakers + Total Role Takers) / (Total Members Attended).
NTLB Index = 100*(15+16) / (38) = 81.5%

Rajdeep Manwani
Role Taker:
 Lalith Dhanush Tallam
Table Topics Speaker:
 Jainam Khakhra

Moments of the Meeting:

Best Role Taker Award - Lalith Dhanush Tallam

Best Evaluator Award - Rajdeep Manwani

Best Table Topic Speaker - Jainam Khakhra

Best Speaker - Surekha

New Member Induction


New members induction ceremony
The average rating of the meeting voted by the 27 out of the 38 present is: 4.3
NTLB Index stands at 81.5%.
YouTube Link for the videos: Click Here

Rahil Ahmed Sawar
Club Secretary Team.
