Online Meeting #1 (AKA #1180)
Online Meeting #1 (AKA#1180) Passionate people have strong emotions that insist on finding expression . Date: 21st September 2019. Time: 6:00 pm-7:00 pm. Word of the Day: Soliloquy (n):- Act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud/ a monologue. Role : Role Taker: President: Vivek Vijayan. Toastmaster of the Day: Shreyas Srinivas. Facilitator of the Day: Vijay Kalkundri. Table Topics Master: Alok Simha. General Evaluator: Sumitra Manamohan. Timer: Rahil A Sawar. Ah Counter: Shreeya Jain. Grammarian: Deepti Varma. Prepared Speeches: Speaker : Project Title: Project Level: Evaluator: Sudeep Kaur Paired Kidney Donation. DL/L1-P3/Researching & Presenting. Somashekar TH. Soham Bhadra The City of Joy S...