Meeting #1178

Meeting #1178
(Icebreaker Marathon)
Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure an easy one-Bruce Lee.

13th September 2019.
6:30 pm-8:45 pm.
Word of the Day:
Proclivity(n)- an indication or predisposition towards a particular thing.

Role :
Role Taker:
Sergeant at arms:
Priyanka Rannorey.
Vivek Vijayan.
Toastmaster of the Day:
Varsha BM.
Table Topics Master:
Vinay Venkataramana.
General Evaluator:
Sudipto Ghosh.
Melvyn V Smith.
Ah Counter:
Guruprasad S.
Sowmya Raman.

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker :
Project Title:
Project Level:   
Nikhil Singhal
The Hero Within Me
Vijay Anand.
Rahil A Sawar
That one desire.
Vaidyanathan D
Skanda M
Taking Chances.
Rajesh H Nookhul.
Sujay Kumar
Someday, somewhwere, somehow, someone will ___
Somashekar TH.
Priyanka Bothra
My weaknesses is my strength.
Sudeep Kaur Bansi.
Mahesh Shankar
Tricycle of my life.
Deepika Das.

Table Topics: 12 Speakers, 1 Guest.
Abhay Kothari
Just because it's a bad idea doesn't mean that it's not going to be a good time.
Alok Simha
This is why aliens won’t talk to us.
Zarine S Geroge
The early bird might get the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Nithin B
How do you see life in Bangalore 10 years down the lane.
Dinakar Murthy Krishna
What according to you is the biggest waste of human potential?
Rita Das
Good societies exist without money or barter system.
Nitesh Dudhey
Whis is your favourite motorcycle, and what makes it your favorite?
Hannah Victoria
If you have the superpower of becoming invisible what would that be and what would you do?
Shriharsha B
If you found a suitcase on the road with 1 Cr rupees, what would you do with it ?
Lokesh (Guest)
If you were given 3 wishes from a genie, what would it be ?
Shreeya Jain
People lie actions don’t
Shreyas Srinivas
What would really need to be modernized in today’s world?
Guruprasad S
If you could invite four people to dinner, who would that be ?

Abhay Kothari
Alok simha
Nithin B
Deepika Das
Dinakar Murthy Krishna
Ganesh Pai
Guruprasad S
Hannah Victoria
Mahesh Shankar
Melvyn V Smith
Nikhil S Singhal
Nitesh Dudhey
Priyanka Bothra
Priyanka Rannorey
Rahil A Sawar
Rahesh H Nookhul
Rita Das
Robinson D’souza
Shreeya Jain
Shreyas Srinivas
Shriharsha B
Simrun Chopra
Skanda M
Soham Bhadra
Somashekar TH
Sowmya Raman
Sudeep Kaur Bansi
Sudipto Ghosh
Sujay Kumar
Vaidyanathan D
Varsha BM
Vijay Anand
Vijay V Kalkundri
Vinay Venkataramana
Vivek Vijayan
Zarine S George

Brief Note on NTLB Index:
No Toastmaster Left Behind (NTLB) Index indicates the percentage of members who spoke out of the members who attended the meeting.

NTLB(No Toastmaster Left Behind )Index:
Total Members Attended:
Total Table Topic Speakers:
Total Role Takers:
How To Calculate:
Index = 100*(Total Table Topic Speakers + Total Role Takers) / (Total Members Attended).
NTLB Index = 100*(12+20) / (36) = 89%

Vijay Anand.
Role Taker: 
Varsha BM
Table Topics Speaker:  
Abhay Kothari.
Rahil A Sawar.

Moments of the Meeting:

Best Evaluator- TM Vijay Anand.  

Best Role Taker- TM Varsha BM.

Best Speaker- TM Rahil A Sawar.

The average rating of the meeting voted by the 29 out of the 36 present is : 4.17.
Online Meeting to be held on 21st of Spetember 2019 (Saturday).
NTLB Index stands at 89%.
Best Table Topics Speaker-TM Abhay Kothari and TM Nithin B.
YouTube Link for the videos:  Click Here.

Shreyas S
Club Secretary.
