BTMC Meeting # 1238 25th September 2020


Meeting #1238

  It is not what happens to you but how you react that matters  



25th September 2020


6.30pm – 8.41pm

Word of the Day:

Adversity - A difficult or unpleasant situation


Total 61 = Members 38 + Guests 23

Role :

Role Taker:

Sergeant at arms:

Priyanka Rannorey

Secretary :

Mahesh Jagajjiven Shankar

President :

Aiyappa A Ponnachanda

Toastmaster of the Day:

Rita Saldanha Das

Table Topics Master:

Shreyas Srinivas

General Evaluator:

Richard L D'Souza


Jainam Khakhra

Ah Counter:

Varsha BM


Hannah Victoria


Rahil Ahmed Sawar


Prepared Speeches:  4 Speeches

Speaker :

Project Title:

Project Level:


Vishal Vasantha Kumar

Heroes- Icebreaker


Abhay Kothari

Dhruv Goyal

My passion so far- Icebreaker


Robinson D'Souza

Ajith Chandrasekhar

Discovering Authentic Leadership



Sudipto Ghosh

Nikhil Shivangi Singhal

Be Calm and Brave


Deepika Das Pereira


Different Paths: Dynamic Leadership (DL), Effective Coaching (EC), Engaging Humor (EH), Innovative Planning (IP), Leadership Development (LD), Motivational Strategies (MS), Persuasive Influence (PI), Presentation Mastery (PM), Strategic Relationships (SR), Team Collaboration (TC), Visionary Communication (VC)


Table Topics: 11 Speakers



Abhirama KS

You need patience when you are about to lose it

Akhilesh N

How do you measure your life. Is it the relationships or achievements

Aaron Rossi Kamath

When you are at a disagreement with someone and both of you wish for the best outcome, What would you do?

Guruprasad Sreeramadasu

If had an opportunity to become a president of Toastmaster International for a week, what would you do?

Siraj Rahman (Guest)

when you are afraid of something and unsure of the next steps what do you do?

Kamlesh Kumar

If you could duplicate one document in the whole wide world what it would be?

Rahil Ahmed Sawar

Pick a small scene from your daily life or as part of your daily routine and convert into an exaggerated narrative

Vijay Anand

Can your Talent become your enemy in a long run?

Aman Tiwary (Guest)

Run with your mind not with your legs

Smitha Thomas

To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first

Vaidyanathan Duraisamy

Complete the statement with a short story…fearing for my own safety I told it to the police an old story…..


Attendance: 38

Officers: 7

Aiyappa Appanna Ponnachanda

Sreejith Kizhakkilot

Rita Saldanha Das *


Hannah Victoria*

Mahesh Jagajjiven


Kamlesh Kumar *

Priyanka Rannorey

Role Takers: 7

Rita Saldanha Das *

Shreyas Srinivas

Richard L D'Souza

Jainam Khakhra

Varsha BM

Hannah Victoria*

Rahil Ahmed Sawar *

Speakers & Evaluators: 8

Vishal Vasantha Kumar

Abhay Kothari

Dhruv Goyal

Robinson D'Souza

Ajith Chandrasekhar

Sudipto Ghosh

Nikhil Shivangi Singhal

Deepika Das Pereira

Table Topics: 9

Abhirama KS

Akhilesh N

Aaron Rossi Kamath

Guruprasad Sreeramadasu

Kamlesh Kumar*

Rahil Ahmed Sawar *

Vijay Anand

Smitha Thomas


Vaidyanathan Duraisamy


Members: 11

Achyuta Kaushik

Amit Sudhir Kumar Mahadevappa

Ashish Rawat

Manjunath CM

Karthiknag sirivaram

Mani Kandan Krishna Moorthy

Shreyas Johan Selladurai

Sudeep Kaur Bansi

Surekha Neelakanta Rao Jagdale

Vijay Vasudev Kalkundri

Zarine Susan George

* The name appears twice due to the roles they have taken including in Table Topics.
The guest name would not be part of the members attendance



TAG Team Player:

Rahil Ahmed Sawar

Role Taker:

Rita Saldanha Das


Table Topic:

Vaidyanathan Duraisamy

Guruprasad Sreeramadasu  


Deepika Das Pereira


Dhruv Goyal


Moments of the Meeting:




The average rating of the meeting is: 4.06

Number of members voted : 20

YouTube Link for the videos: Click Here

Audio Link: Click Here



Mahesh Jagajjiven Shankar

Club Secretary



