Meeting #1185

Meeting #1185
Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm- Winston Churchill

25th October 2019.
6:30 pm-8:50 pm.
Word of the Day:
Clunker- noun -something very bad in quality or completely unsuccessful.

Role :
Role Taker:
Sergeant at arms:
Varsha BM
Presiding Officer:
Guruprasad S
Toastmaster of the Day:
Simrun Chopra
Table Topics Master:
Shreyas Srinivas
General Evaluator:
Robinson D’souza
Mythresh A
Ah Counter:
Sujay Kumar
Lokesh Talele

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker :
Project Title:
Project Level:   
Nikhilesh S
What’s your style?
Dynamic Leadership/L2/#1
Sudeep Kaur Bansi
Smitha Roshy
Mulla Nasruddin and Greedy Kasim
Storytelling Manual/Folk Tale
Sumitra Manamohan
Rajesh H Nookhul
Hakuna Matata
CC10/ Inspire your audience
Rajdeep Manwani

Table Topics: A Dialogue in the Dark- 11 Speakers.
Sanjay Rao Y R
Describe your best Diwali experience so far.
Sreejith K
A clean sky on Diwali is like a dry day on New Year’s Eve.
Vivek Vijayan
You quit a cracker of a job today to start a new…
Alok, Rahil, Puneeth
Don’t buy his soap. Each speaker must provide argument as to why you should not buy the next person’s soap.
Fatha A Khan
Diwali, one festival many stories, toastmaster 1 organization many…….
Abhay Kothari
Without using the words festival, Diwali and lights explain to the audience what Diwali is all about.
Vijay Anand
From a green city to a city of lights….. Every second sentence must be a question.
Srinubabu G
If you registered yourself today on, what is that one quality you would look for in a partner?
Skanda M
What small act of kindness were you shown that you would never forget.
Jose Paul
One moment you are selling fireworks and the next moment you quit everything and run. Why?

Attendance: 30
Abhay Kothari
Alok Simha
Ankit Kumar
Fatha A Khan
Guruprasad S
Jose Paul
Lokesh Talele
Melvyn V Smith
Mythresh A
Nikhilesh S
Priyanka Rannorey
Puneeth Jain
Rahil A Sawar
Rajdeep Manwani
Rajesh H Nookhul
Robinson D’souza
Sanjay Rao Y R
Shreyas Srinivas
Simrun Chopra
Skanda M
Smitha Thomas
Sowmya Raman
Sreejith K
Srinubabu G
Sudeep Kaur Bansi
Sujay Kumar
Sumitra Manamohan
Varsha BM
Vijay Anand
Vivek Vijayan

Brief Note on NTLB Index:
No Toastmaster Left Behind (NTLB) Index indicates the percentage of members who spoke out of the members who attended the meeting.

NTLB(No Toastmaster Left Behind )Index:
Total Members Attended:
Total Table Topic Speakers:
Total Role Takers:
How To Calculate:
Index = 100*(Total Table Topic Speakers + Total Role Takers) / (Total Members Attended).
NTLB Index = 100*(11+14) / (30) = 83%

Rajdeep Manwani.
Role Taker: 
Simrun Chopra.
Table Topics Speaker:  
Vijay Anand.
Rajesh Nookhul.

Moments of the Meeting:

Best Evaluator- DTM Rajdeep Manwani.

Best Roletaker-TM Simrun Chopra.

Best Table Topics Speaker-TM Vijay Anand.

Best Speaker-TM Rajesh H Nookhul.

The average rating of the meeting voted by the 21 out of the 30 present is : 4.2
The meeting was a Diwali festive themed meeting with members adorning colorful ethnic wear.
TM Rajesh H Nookhul has completed the Competent Communicator Manual with his winning speech- Hakuna Matata.
NTLB Index stands at 83%
YouTube Link for the videos:  Click Here.

Shreyas S
Club Secretary.
