Meeting #1109

Theme: Money can't buy happiness 
Date: 11th May 2018
Time: 6.30 pm - 8.40 pm
Members Attended: 29
Guests Attended: 23

Word of the day:  "Enigmatic" - Difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious
                               Usage - "Mona lisa has a perpetual enimatic smile on her face"

Role Taker
Rajesh Nookhul
Nithin B
Toastmasters of the Day
Robinson D'Souza
Table Topic Master
Deepika Das
General Evaluator
Balachandran Das
Drishtant Kaushal
Kunal Vaidya
Sumedha Dasari

Prepared Speeches
Sanil Rego
Shilpa Samuel
Shreyas Srinivas
Sujay Simha
Rita Das
Godfrey Soans
Aiyappa Ponnachandra
Sumitra Manamohan

Table Topics
Ankit Kumar
I was walking on Brigade road with beer bottle in one hand and girl on the other when I bumped into my mum
Nitesh Dudhey
My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it
Begin your speech with - My mother doesnt know that
Sowmya Raman
I am what I am because of you
The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world
Theresa Madtha
Its not easy being a mother; if it was father would do it
You have just won the award "Mom of the year" give your acceptance speech
Sujay Simha
Moms - not all the superheroes wear capes
Sudeep Kaur
Life doesnt come with a manual, it comes with a mother
Chandher Shekar
Nothing is really lost until mom cant find it

Best Role taker 
Robinson Dsouza
Best Evaluator
Godfrey Soans
Best Table Topic Speakers
Sowmya Raman & Chandher Shekar  
Best Speaker
Rita Das
                    Ice Breakers                                                   Sanil Rego & Shreyas Srinivas

Members who attended the meeting
Aiyappa Ponnachandra
Melvyn Smith  
Sudeep Kaur
Ankit Kumar  
Nithesh Dudhey
Sumedha Dasari 
Chandher Shekar 
Rajesh Harinath Nookhul  
Sujay Simha Sairam  
B Nithin
Rita Saldanha Das  
Sumitra Manamohan  
Deepika Das Pereira  
Robinson D'Souza  
Theresa Madtha
Drishtant Kaushal  
          Sanil Rego      Balachandran das
        Gautam Sreekumar 
Shreyas Srinivas 
Shilpa Samuel
Godfrey Soans 
Sowmya Raman
          Kunal Vaidya

The meeting was rated at 4.46
The second newsletter will be coming out soon and all members are requested to contribute articles towards it.
The president urged all members to send suggestions for a social outing for all members including families.
The elections for the committee members for the next term will be held on the 15th June. The nomination committee is headed by Godfrey Soans and consists of Sumitra Manamohan and Richard D’souza. The president urged all members to take up leadership roles and sent in the nominations to the committee.
Speech craft session is midway thru’ and going very well.

Thank you Gautham for helping with recording the videos.

Sowmya Raman
Club Secretary
