Minutes of Club Meeting #996 - March 04, 2016

Ashirvad - Loyola Hall, St. Marks Road
6:30 - 8:40 pm

Theme: A stitch in time saves nine
Word of the day: Jitter
Meaning: Nervousness, panic
Usage: I had a case of jitters during my first speech


Esther Roshini Chandy       SERGEANT AT ARMS
Mahaveer Jain                    TREASURER
Raghunandan Damle          SECRETARY
Varun Dev                           VP PUBLIC RELATIONS
Joseph Dass                       VP MEMBERSHIP
Prakash Tamhankar            VP EDUCATION
Cherian Thomas                  PRESIDENT

Abubakar Khan
Ankit Kumar
Ashish Varghese
Godfrey Soans
Inder Kumar
Jay Agrawal
Jose Paul
Kamal Kumar Garg
Karunakar Dev
Lalith Dhanush Tallam
Lokesh Murthy V
Mahesh Vittal Rao
Nisha Balakrishnan
Payal Pankaj Bhulani
Prashanth Nair
Praveen Kumar
Rahul Bhuyan
Rajdeep Manwani
Richard L D’Souza
Robinson D’Souza
Samuel Wankhade
Sanjana OJ
Shilpa Samuel
Smitha Roshy
Srija Jampana
Srinivasa V Kumar
Vaidyanathan Duraisamy
Vichur Umakanth
Vijay Anand

17 Guests

TOASTMASTER OF THE DAY   Vaidyananthan Duraisamy
TABLE TOPICS MASTER           Srija Jampana
GENERAL EVALUATOR            Dr. Rajdeep Manwani
TIMER                                      Ankit Kumar
AH COUNTER                           Prashanth Nair
GRAMMARIAN                          Ashish Varghese

Note: To view meeting videos click on this link:

Lalith Dhanush: Imagine the world as a single country. Will it be good for humankind?
Vijay Anand: Beauty or intelligence, what would you prefer?
Joseph Dass: What is the best thing you like about parenting?
Praveen Kumar: In what era would you most like to have grown up?
Mahesh Rao: Honesty or diplomacy – which one do you think is the best policy?
Smitha Roshy: What’s the best way to ease tension?
Karunakar Dev: If you could have a different career what would it be and why?
Nisha Balakrishnan: Your most embarrassing moment could be your first step to success.
Sanjana OJ: What’s your retirement plan?
Srinivasa Kumar: What’s your idea of a perfect job?
Richard D’Souza: Quality of life is the quality of communication with yourself and others. Comment on it.
Payal Bhulani: What is your opinion of the present education system in India?
Rahul Bhuyan: Which one person has shaped your life the most and how?
Abubakar Khan: What would your dream vacation be like?
Lokesh Murthy: The most memorable event in your childhood.
Godfrey Soans: How do you balance your professional and personal life?
Umakanth Vichur: How would you like to celebrate your new year’s eve?
Jose Paul: If you could go back in time and talk to yourself at the age of ten what advice would you give yourself?
--- BREAK---

Inder Kumar delivered project 5 – Your Body Speaks – from the Competent Communicator manual. His speech was evaluated by Varun Dev.
Kamal Garg delivered project 1 – The Ice Breaker – from the Competent Communicator manual. His speech was evaluated by Mahaveer Jain.
Shilpa Samuel delivered project 1 – The Ice Breaker – from the Competent Communicator manual. Her speech was evaluated by Mr. Robinson D’Souza.

The secretary, Raghunandan Damle, read out the minutes of the previous meeting, which were passed.


The President displayed the Smedley Award that our club received for adding five new members in the previous term. He thanked the previous committee for helping the club earn this award.

Well Done! – Vaidyanathan Duraisamy (and
Srija Jampana)

Well Done! – Shilpa Samuel and Kamal Garg

Best Table Topics Speaker: Vijay Anand

Best Speaker: Shilpa Samuel

The President adjourned the meeting at 8:40 pm.

Bangalore Toastmasters Club Website: http://btmc.toastmastersclubs.org
Bangalore Toastmasters Club Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BangaloreToastmastersClub/
Toastmasters International Website:  http://www.toastmasters.org/
