Minutes of Club Meeting #983 - December 4, 2015
Club #9206 (District-92 - Karnataka and Kerala)
Minutes of Club Meeting # 983
December 4, 2015
Conquer the Stage
Conquer the Stage
Venue/Time: Ashirwad -
Loyola Hall, St. Marks Road
Every Friday from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Theme of the Day: Ships are safer in the harbor, but they are not meant for that purpose.
Word of the Day: Camaraderie (noun)
Meaning - Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
Usage - There was a sudden burst of camaraderie between strangers when the team they were commonly rooting for, won.
Total Attendees – 40
Members –30
1. TM Cherian Thomas President
1. TM Cherian Thomas President
2. TM Joseph Dass VP Education
3. TM Sahil Jain VP Membership
4. TM Mahaveer Jain VP Public Relations
MEETING OPENED: Acting Sergeant@Arms, TM Rahul Bhuyan, kick started the meeting at exactly 6:31
pm and the meeting continued in all its glory and magnificence which amazed and delighted the audience.
5. TM Nisha Balakrishnan Secretary
6. TM Varun Dev VP Finance
7. TM Karunakar Dev Sergeant@Arms
PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: The paragon of public speaking, the club president, TM Cherian Thomas, called
the meeting to order and gave a very soul-stirring and heartwarming presidential
address staying true to the theme of the day and touching upon an incident in the life of Admiral Ronnie Pereira en-route to meet the then Prime Minister, Smt. Indira Gandhi, an urged every one present to never play it safe in life to make a difference.
1. TM Karunakar Dev Toastmaster of Day
2. TM Jose Paul General Evaluator
3. TM Prakash Tamhankar Table Topics Master
INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY TOASTMASTER OF THE DAY: As Toastmaster of the Day, the flamboyant and stylish, TM Karunakar Dev, was a delight to watch and made the Friday evening a truly memorable one with his great performance and made sure that the evening will be etched in the memory of all present forever.
INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY GENERAL EVALUATOR: As General Evaluator for the day, the gentle and soft-spoken, TM Jose Paul, introduced his TAG team and later gave a
very comprehensive an detailed evaluation of the entire meeting.
1. TM Vineeth Timer
2. TM Mahesh V. Rao Ah Counter
AGENDA 1: TABLE TOPICS: As Table Topics Master, the conscientious and diligent, TM Prakash Tamhankar had some marvelous topics which got the speakers instantly thinking on their feet and relating some memorable incidents from their life.
Table Topic Speakers
Topic - A picture paints a thousand words.
Topic - Don't keep a dog and bark yourself.
Topic - Don't burn bridges behind you.
Topic - Bad news travels fast.
Topic - Can there be happiness without sadness?
6. Guest Preeti Rao
Topic - Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Topic - Give an elevator pitch when you meet the President of your dream company.
8. Guest Vishwaswaroop
Topic - Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Debate - Chennai Floods - Was it Nature's fury or impact of man-made climatic change?
10. TM Esther Chandy
Topic - Rising tide lifts all boats.
11. TM Ratan Shetty
Topic - Early birds get worms, but early worms get eaten.
Topic - Fishes and guests smell after 3 days.
1. TM Rahul Ranjan attempted
his Project #1 (The Ice Breaker) from Competent Communicator Manual.
Title - WHAT IF?
Topic - The Toastmasters Educational Program - The Successful Club Series
1. TM Rahul Ranjan's project was evaluated by TM Varun Dev.
2. TM Joseph Dass' educational session was evaluated by TM Ratan Shetty.
3. Well-Done Certificate - TM Karunakar Dev (Toastmaster of the Day)
4. Special Award for his Commendable Work on Improving Club Membership -
TM Sahil Jain, VP Membership.
5. Toastmasters International Advanced Leadership Bronze Award - TM Ratan Shetty
ADJOURNMENT: At 8:45 pm by the club president.
QUOTE FOR THE WEEK: "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn" - Benjamin Franklin
Balakrishnan - Club Secretary
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