Meeting # 1225
Meeting #1225 Difficult roads often leads to beautiful destinations Date: 10th July 2020 Time: 6:30 pm-8:35 pm. Word of the Day: Calamity -An event causing great and sudden damage Attendance 42 Members + 27 Guests = 69 attendees Role : Role Taker: Sergeant at arms : Priyanka Rannorey President : Aiyappa A Ponnachanda Toastmaster of the Day : Smitha Roshy Table Topics Master: Rahil Ahmed Sawar General Evaluator: Robinson D'Souza Timer: Venkata Ramana Rao Nippani Ah Counter: Rajesh Mundhada Grammarian: Kumar Vinay SS Listener: Karthiknag sirivaram Prepared Speeches: Speaker : Project Title: Project Level: Evaluator: Lokesh Talele Who am I ? Pathways/PM/ L1/ P1 ...