
Minutes of the Meeting #1041- 13th January 2017

MINUTES OF THE MEETING Theme: WHERE THERE IS NO VISION PEOPLE PERISH Word of the Day: PROLIFIC - Producing results or works in large quantity. Usage: Charles Dickens was a PROLIFIC writer . CALL TO ORDER Meeting #1041 was held on 13 th January 2017 at Aashirvad Centre, St. Marks Road .   Sergeant at arms TM Sathvik started the meeting with an introduction to the theme, and handed over charge to the President TM Cherian who inspired the audience by explaining the theme and introduced the Toastmaster of the Day (TOD) TM Nikita Arora. ATTENDEES (67) MEMBERS PRESENT: 32 Executive Committee: 7 Non-Executive Members: 25 GUESTS: 35 VIDEO MINUTES AGENDA 1. Prepared Speech:   SN SPEAKER Speech Project  Evaluator 1 TM Ashok Sethia CC1  TM Srinivas Akella 2 TM Skanda Sandeep CC2  T...

Minutes of the Meeting #1040_6_01_2017

MINUTES OF THE MEETING o    Website : o    Facebook Page: o    Facebook Group: o    Toastmasters International Website: CALL TO ORDER An INSTALLATION CEREMONY was held on 6th January 2017 at The GRAND MAGRATH HOTEL .  The meeting commenced at 7.00 P.M and was anchored by TM SHILPA SAMUEL . The meeting terminated at 9.00 P.M ATTENDEES (74) MEMBERS PRESENT: 51 GUESTS: 23 AGENDA ·          Installation Ceremony of the committee for the term January to June 2017- Presided by TM John Bosco ·          The outgoing president TM Prakash addressed the members about the achievements of the club in the past 6 months- a key highlight being the entry of TM Rashi and TM Ashish ...

Minutes of Club Meeting #1039 - 30-Dec-2016

Minutes of Meeting 1)       EVENT Agenda     :   Club meeting # 1039 Date          : 30-Dec-2016 , Friday Venue       : Ashirwad - Loyola Hall, St. Marks Road Time          : 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm 2)       MOTIF Theme :   There are 2 great days in a person’s life, the day we are born & the day we discover why Word of the day  :   Epiphany Meaning   : A moment when you suddenly realize or understand something important Usage: Going to jail for something which I did not do was an epiphany which caused me to rethink my choice of friends 3)       YOUTUBE VIDEOS 4)       ROLE TAKERS a.     ...