Meeting #1215

Meeting #1215 Good fences make good neighbours Date: 22 nd May 2020 Time: 6:15 pm-8:40 pm. Word of the Day: Cacophony – A discordant and meaningless mixture of sounds Attendance 40 Members + 15 Guests = 55 attendees Role : Role Taker: Sergeant at arms : Sreejith Kizhakkilot President : Deepika Das Pereira Toastmaster of the Day : Vaidyanathan Duraisamy Table Topics Master: Kamlesh Kumar General Evaluator: Ganesh Pai Timer: Hannah Victoria Ah Counter: Karthik Nagsirivaram Grammarian: Manjunath C M Listener: Sowmya Raman Prepared Speeches: Speaker : Project Title: Project Level: Evaluator: ...