Meeting #1171
Meeting #1171 Courage and perseverance make difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish . Date: 26 th July 2019. Time: 6:30 pm-8:45 pm. Word of the Day: Obstinate (adj):-Stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to to persuade one to do so. Role : Role Taker: Sergeant at arms: Varsha BM Presiding Officer: Vijay V Kalkundri Toastmaster of the Day: Deepika Das Table Topics Master: Nil. General Evaluator: Sumitra Manamohan Timer: Ajith KC Ah Counter: Vinay Venkataramana Grammarian: Jainam Khakhra Prepared Speeches: Speaker : Project Title: Project Level: Evaluator: Priyanka Rannorey Your only enemy you can't live without. SR/ Evaluation and Feedback/#1 Sowmya Raman. ...